Sam’s Study, Rolife – A Challenging Miniature Room with detail

I just completed another Rolife miniature room kit.

This one called Sam’s Study was quite different to Cathy’s flower house.

It consisted of more assembly of furniture and fake books.

To be honest during the build at times it felt repetitive and uninspiring, until near the end.

That was when the magic of this kit really came to life. It was when you added books to shelves and created your own unique place for everything.

For me I preferred the au natural look, a little untidy and disorganised look.

The wiring of the chandelier was very challenging, but once everything was fully assembled and glued in place you stood back and admired the finished look.

All in all I give this kit a resounding thumbs up.

If you’d like to try your hands on this Rolife kit click here.