Incredible! Who would have thought it?

It’s hard to believe that in 2022 the world would feel upside down.

So much has happened in the past few years; the Queen died, there was a global pandemic, a war in Ukraine, a third Prime Minister in three moths, cost of living crisis and interest rates rising at an alarming rate for some.

Boris blew his overwhelming mandate to govern, with the assistance of the media and others, allowing a huge swing in opinion of an unelectable opposition only a few years ago. The Conservatives being relegated to talk of extinction!

In the news, talk of nuclear war!

But what really matters?

Can there ever be world peace and security, a utopia that provides a civilization without conflict and harmony amongst nations, where the world feels the right way up?

Sadly that will never happen and despite the best efforts of the finest religious and world leaders there will always be an opposing view or interpretation of idealic life.

The one view that appears to be shifting is a realisation that the world has finite resources and our dependency on them and from others, is not the best way forward.

The environment needs to be protected so that humanity can survive.