Hawkeshead, Cumbria – a delightful village worth visiting

Off to the west of Windermere sits Hawkeshead, a pretty village with good parking.

It’s clean and has quite a few shops to choose from.

Our favourite place though was The Little Ice Cream Shop. The ice cream here is superb! I had the caramel flavour whilst my wife had Kendal mint cake, it was to die for!

There are shops selling gifts, clothes and of course plenty of pubs and restaurants to choose from.

The cobbled narrow streets, quaint cottages and general appearance of this place makes it a worthwhile visit.

Located on one of the back streets in the centre is the National Trust Beatrix Potter gallery. We had to book, but this well thought out home tells the story of this remarkable lady that devoted much of her life to the National Trust and to writing short stories and creating characters seen world over by families.

We enjoyed Hawkeshead and I’m sure you will too.